God’s Harbor

Our grief is like the ocean
 Coming in waves that threaten to overwhelm
   Receding back from whence it came
     Leaving us in the quiet – remembering

The briefest of memories brings an onslaught of feelings
 And we are lost in the tide
   Turned over and over in its rush
     Confused as it crashes around us to settle into quiet pools

Pain and sorrow (like the moon) exert a constant pull
   Threatening to overcome our sense of peace
       Suddenly we are pulled off balance
           And sink into currents of despair

There is a haven in this cold and tempestuous sea
 A quiet place of warmth and safety
   A sheltered harbor offering rest
     And comfort for our troubled soul
This harbor belongs to god himself
 And is open to all who receive him
   He waits for us with open arms
     Ready to embrace us with his love and care

We who know him come to this place
 But often do not remain
   Currents of emotion drag us back to a raging sea
     To fight anew the storms of depression and sorrow

With the passage of time we weather those storms
 Gathering strength with each battle
  Learning to find our way back into that sweet calm
     Each visit lasting longer than the one before

Still…our tears come unbidden
 And overstay their welcome
   But with each trip into that harbor
     The storms will gradually give way to peace